Sunday, November 23, 2008

Nov. 23, 2008

Went on a Road Trip with a friend to just get out of the house and go shoot a few images. It was a little cold and we were scouting some places to keep in mind for other days and seasons.
We found a waterfall we had never seen and while it was not running hard now, I cannot wait until we have spring runoff or good rain to get back and take the shots. You can get behind the falls and shoot several different ways along with the more traditional shoot.
Hope you enjoy these images and with time, I hope to get some different shots from this area.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I made a quick trip to Virginia this weekend and was able to take a few images on the way to and from the area. Photography was not the goal, but I did get a couple of images I like. Some were HDR to capture the wide range of light.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Nov. 7, 2008

After taking my grandson to school, I stopped and saw these images and snapped a few off to see what they would look like. This is the main street of Milton, WV and the old Milton Bank.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Nov 6, 2008

Was out running around the other day and took these images in Ohio outside of Ironton. These were shot with a point and shoot camera out the window of the car as I was doing some geocaching. I then opened them in photoshot and did some image adjustments to them.