Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Dec. 31, 2008

I went to take some pictures along the coast, but the wind and traffic were just too bad, so I decided it was better to do some backyard exploring. I found this little guy, less than a half inch total, and took his picture with a 400mm lens with a 35mm extension tube, not the best in the wind

Here is wishing you all a great 2009

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Dec. 30, 2008

Took the grandkids to the Jacksonville Zoo today, along with the rest of the state of Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina. Was a little crowded to say the least, but it was a good time for the kids. Took some snapshots of the animals and the kids, but other than that there were just too many people and this was a kids activity, so the quality was just so so.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Dec. 27, 2008

After a long and wet, foggy, and crazy drive, I have arrived in St. Augustine, Fl. The weather is nice, 75 and sunny, so I got out and took a couple of images just to check out what was new since last time here. Lots more people on my usual hangouts, so maybe after the weekend it will not be so busy and I can find the birds and creatures I was going to shoot. So, here are a couple from today low crawing around the yard and near the house.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Dec. 24, 2008

I am packing and getting ready to go to St. Augustine to spend a few days taking some pictures, playing some golf and goofing off with the grandkids. Just wanted to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Joyful New Year.
Looking forward to posting some good news on the blog and sharing with you.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Dec. 20, 2008

Sorry that I have not put up any new posts, been a really bad time for photography. But, I have been working on the new Photoshop CS4, and it rocks to use the NAPP buzz word. Some of the new features will make the post photo workflow so much better and give you lots of options in Camera Raw 5 and be non-destructive to your images.
I hope to post some tips soon, so check back and maybe I will have some pre and post images to demonstrate the features.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Nov. 23, 2008

Went on a Road Trip with a friend to just get out of the house and go shoot a few images. It was a little cold and we were scouting some places to keep in mind for other days and seasons.
We found a waterfall we had never seen and while it was not running hard now, I cannot wait until we have spring runoff or good rain to get back and take the shots. You can get behind the falls and shoot several different ways along with the more traditional shoot.
Hope you enjoy these images and with time, I hope to get some different shots from this area.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I made a quick trip to Virginia this weekend and was able to take a few images on the way to and from the area. Photography was not the goal, but I did get a couple of images I like. Some were HDR to capture the wide range of light.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Nov. 7, 2008

After taking my grandson to school, I stopped and saw these images and snapped a few off to see what they would look like. This is the main street of Milton, WV and the old Milton Bank.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Nov 6, 2008

Was out running around the other day and took these images in Ohio outside of Ironton. These were shot with a point and shoot camera out the window of the car as I was doing some geocaching. I then opened them in photoshot and did some image adjustments to them.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Oct. 29, 2008

Saw these 2 shots today and the light was with me, so I shot them as I was running errands. Didn't even have to leave the car, my kind of shooting. Hope you enjoy

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Oct. 28, 2008

Out running around and saw this barn in the field and the light was good, so I had to shoot a couple of shots. Shot was taken with a Canon 5D with a 24-105 IS f/4 lens at F/9 f/200 ISO 200 out the window of the car as I was driving by. I would have stopped but no place to park.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Oct. 26, 2008

Went out today to check for some color at one of my favorite places, but light, wind and color were all against me. So, I just enjoyed the day and took a couple of pictures and will go back later this week and maybe get a shot where I want to shoot.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Oct. 20, 2008

Went out for a while this evening to see what I could find and get rid of a little frustration. Found these images on a country backroad and liked how they turned out.
They were shot with a Canon 5D and a Canon 100-400 IS lens @f/4.6 1/60 -2/3rd stop handheld.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Oct.18, 2008

I have been really busy with things that have nothing to do with photography and it is depressing. I have been talking to my friend about working out ways to get to the west and do some shooting this winter. We are wanting to do the Arizona area and some of New Mexico. We are also talking about meeting in Louisiana for some shooting this spring, that is if everything works out. Also, making plans for the trip back to Florida in the spring. Since I have a house there, it is nice to go and use it sometime.
I still am thinking about trying to run and do some shooting along the Kanawaha River and get some cool shots before the leaves are gone.
Hope the next post is more about things I have got to shoot instead of dreaming about.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Oct. 11, 2008

Still going over my images from the trip and hope to have them posted in the next few days. I am looking forward to traveling around the state, to see the fall colors of West Virgina. I changed the slideshow to show some of the images from the New England trip which I hope you enjoy

Friday, October 10, 2008

Oct. 10, 2008

I got to look at a few images tonight and liked these. These were shot on the trip to New York. I really liked the area and would loved to have made it all the way to Lake Placid, but had to get back to get ready and leave for home.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Oct.9, 2008

Went to 2 spectacular places today, AuSable and the Whiteface Mountain area of New York. I will post a picture when I get time, it was really a long day and packing to leave for home tomorrow. This was a tourist thing and not really a great photo session, but well worth seeing and enjoying.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Oct. 8, 2008

Went out today to find some typical NE covered bridges to take some photographs to bring home. Found four around the town of Northfield at the Northfield Falls. Found 5 bridges in the area. Here are a some to share.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Oct. 7, 2008

Today was another full day of seeing and photographing the region. I have not had time to go over the 2000 images shot so far, but here are a some from today

Monday, October 6, 2008

Oct. 6th

Had some great color out at Kettle Pond and Peacham today. Cannot wait to get home when I am not dead tired from shooting from 6am till 10pm when I get back.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Oct.5, 2008

It was a great day in New England. We started at Seyond Pond and finished in the snow and clouds of Mt. Washington. We saw a moose in Vermont on the way back to the motel, which was a great finishing touch to our day.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Oct. 4, 2008

Pastural Scene before Stowe

Had a long day in the Stowe area chasing the elusive perfect image. I was able to capture a few today that show some of the area's beauty.

Bingham Falls

Deep woods on the Toll Road at Stowe

River above Bingham Falls

Friday, October 3, 2008

Oct. 3rd

Arrived in Vermont today and had a little time to walk around and shoot some street scenes of Barre, Vt. These were all shot with a Canon 5D and a 24-105 IS lens. Most were shot at F/8 with 2/3 rd stop under exposure. But I did adjust the exposure some in Photoshop to get the image close to what I saw. Off to the Green Mountains tomorrow. I hope you enjoy the images.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

October 2, 2008

Just finished some errands preparing for the trip to New England this weekend. Looks like Mid 50's and lows in the mid 30's and dry, could not be much better. This must be the time to be there, all the big photo tours and workshops are decending on Vermont for the week.

I am looking forward to comparing the color and scenic beauty of the area to the mountains of West Virginia, Virginia and Carolinas.
Maybe see some more of the area

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Making a final check before leaving for Vermont this weekend. Always a question of did I forget something I need and never knowing the answer. I have been going back over some of the trips I have been on and looking at images and thinking how to make them better, or how I can apply some of the things to Vermont. It looks like we will be able to do Mt. Washington area of New Hampshire, The Mad River Region, Moss Glen Falls, Texas Falls, Groton State Forest, and a lot of the backroads looking for the New England sites of covered bridges, quaint towns and farms. We will also try to do the Lake Champlain region, which will be totally new for me. Might even get to do a little geocaching along the way, who knows.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

One of my favorite places to shoot near my house. This barn and field seems to change by the hour depending on the sky. This was shot with a 24-105 canon f/4 IS lens at 55mm f/4 and edited in photoshop.

September 30, 2008

I am just setting up a blog to share some of my photographic trips and images. I will be seeking to share some of the places I have visited and images I have taken to help you make decisions of where you might like to go and things to shoot. I will try to pass along the information of where, when and what settings I used.
I am preparing to leave Friday, 30 Oct. for Vermont, New Hampshire, and Lake Champlain region of New York. The hard part of the trip is deciding what to take in terms of clothes and gear. It seems like you always have more than you can pack or carry.
Check back for images and posts from the trip.
I did a little quick trip this past weekend to Beartown, a state park, just outside of Lewisburg, Wv. The slide show is a sample of the trip. It is a great place to go and be alone and shoot some really deep forest shots and hopefully a bear.